Monday, July 28, 2014


I was going to a very special occassion I had been planning this for about 6 months it was the 50th anniversary of my sister inlaw.Here we were all dressed up and ready for the three hour trip to New York I was totally excited to be going as there were family members that I had not seen in over 10 years I was so very happy. My husband was decked out in his tux  and looking so very nice.  8;45 and we were on our way not even 15 minute  into the trip that the car over heats and so my husband said it possiably needed   water so the next thing I  knew we were stranded on the bridge just before we got to new jersey.Now I am frantic because my sister inlaw has spent all this money and went out of her way and here we were stranded with no signal on the phone  just absolutely nothing we sat there for only 25 minute when here comes this I think you call them troopers I call them officers. And they offer not only to push us off to new jersey but called some one to bring water and something that my husband needed for the car.officer Gilbert and officer Price were the tow nicest officer I have ever met not only were they helpful but so very understanding of our situation not only did they helpbut they both stayed there with us as mr Mike Russo helped with the water for the car and what ever else were needed . he was of the motor assistant proagram  of the delaware River port authority of Pennsylvania and new jersey I just want to make it know that they were exceptionally nice and I just wanted to thank them.  We never  made it to the  Anniversary party of family and friends whom were also disappointed that they were un able to see us there for as I said some of them I had not seen for ten years. as the officers pushed us we again overheated and then found another problem the fan belt had broken and that was the end od the trip to new york .  so here we were all dressed up and no way of getting there. the affair  got under way at around 12 and it was well after 1pm we thought of taking a bus to new york but by that time  the affair would be over. so I just got over it and tried to make my poor hubby smile  because  guess what it could have been worse I will also be putting this segment on my Blog radio station to again thank those three officers.